Getting help in a crisis (in Surrey):​
Call the 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line free on 0800 915 4644 (available for children from the age of six)
Visit a Surrey CYP Haven (Guildford, Epsom) a safe space for young people aged 10-18 to go when feeling distressed and worried. Further details:
Call the CYP Haven support line on 01483 519 436 (Mon-Fri 3.30-7.30pm and Sunday 1-4pm)
Mindworks Surrey:
All information about the Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service can be found at
National helplines:
Childline 0800 1111 (24 hour helpline)
Samaritans 116 123 (call free) or email
The Mix 0808 808 4994 (national helpline daily 4-11pm)
Text SHOUT to 85258 (Shout Crisis text line)
HOPELineUK 0800 068 41 41 or text 07786209697 confidential advice/support for young people who may be having thoughts of suicide (Mon-Fri 10am-10pm, Weekends 2pm-10pm + Bank Holidays 2pm-5pm)
National mental health organisations: (help with self harm)